Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Rugged Refinement of Rugby Shirts

peccary gloves

At first glance, rugby shirts peccary gloves  appear very similar in style and design to polo shirts. So why bother choosing one or the other, right? Wrong! Despite their seeming commonalities, rugby give a much different look when worn than their preppy counterparts. The differences may seem subtle, but if it's rugged refinement you want, then you can't go wrong with the rugby!

What Makes Rugby Shirts Special?
To begin, rugby shirts peccary gloves  are typically made from a heavier, more durable knit fabric than polo shirts. In addition, their collars tend to be slightly smaller and stiffer. This design can be largely attributed to the hands-on nature of the sport and the need to eliminate extra fabric that could provide the opposing team with any type of hand hold. Although there is a practical purpose for the design, the style still looks great whether you are a rugby player or not. And since the fabric is so much thicker, it tends to hang more flatteringly on the body and be more resistant to wrinkles during the course of a day.

The Look of Rugby Shirts
Although we are comparing rugby shirts to polo shirts, don't mistake us to say that polo shirts are simply sissified versions of the rugby. They aren't. Polo shirts have their place and create a fantastic look on their own accord. However, their look is of a more cool and casual variety while rugby appeal to the rugged side of things. They are still casual, without a doubt, but they offer a little something extra when it comes to getting a fiercer look without being overbearing.

If you think about it, rugby shirts are almost like the median in casual wear. They allow you to appear more rugged and laid back while still maintaining a certain level of style without going completely over the top with a woodsman look. And while the woodsman look does seem to be becoming a popular trend this season, it may not be the look you wish to achieve under certain circumstances.

The Application of Rugby Shirts
The most obvious application for shirts is, of course, any type of contact sport. Whether you are a competitor or simply want to toss the ball with a few of your buddies, this shirt is perfect for the situation. Not a contact sport kind of guy? No worries! Rugby will still perform well in casual social gathering situations. An added bonus is that you give the impression of an athlete, whether you are or not.

Stylish but understated, casual yet subtly refined, rugby shirts are the ultimate garments for the rugged man who wants to give his appearance an edge. Not to mention, the ladies simply love a man who harnesses some of that wild and free masculine vibe, so they could even put some spice in your social life. Will rugby shirts get you the girl of your dreams? Probably not-but they are certainly a great tool to put with your whole package toward that end.

Tag: peccary gloves